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Mableton Moose Lodge Group

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Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas

Chrome Canvas , EXCLUSIVE

We can make it an extension though. This bug is for tracking removal of the canvas profiler from the DevTools. There will be a separate initiative of porting the code being removed into github and publishing it as a Chrome extension.

Chrome Canvas ,

Then after restarting your browser, open the devlopers tools by hitting f12, then in the top right corner is a gear. Click on it, go to experiments, then find "canvas inspection". It's unstable, but usable.

Consider the subpixel rendering for other graphical elements - depending on the application, the programmer may not want that, and you certainly wouldn't want subpixel rendering turned on arbitrarily for the whole element as an all-or-nothing proposition. Imagine getting the color of a specific pixel - what's the right answer here? Should canvas lie and return the expected color, or return the actual color (so we have to answer questions all day here on SO about "why is this pixel I made black being measured as dark red?").

It draws onto a canvas, which is then drawn to the screen to take advantage of RGB-striped subpixels. It works with alpha channels too. Note that this might not work if you are using a portrait display, non-striped pixels, or if your browser displays canvases at a lower resolution than your display.

There's scope for fine-tuning, but it's a big gain for a simple method. It works on all browsers I've tested, but only where canvas-to-screen pixel ratio is 1:1 (but I believe solutions have been offered for that).

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